Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum welcomed a special group of people, some of whom who were evacuees from Slapton and Strete when the area was taken over for training exercises for D-Day.

Many were tenant farmers and their families and were never able to return to their homes.

The gathering is also a celebration of the museum and what they are doing including their new exhibition called ‘Six Weeks to Go’.

Curator Cathy Courage explains: “It tells the story of the evacuations that took place at Slapton and the surrounding villages during the winter of 1943 and 1944.

“The evacuations took place to make way for the arrival of the American troops to practice for the D-Day landings and we’ve got the 80th anniversary of the landings this year.

Kathy then explained why they decided to organise the gathering:

“Amongst the people we’ve got here today are those who were evacuated from Slapton at the time and people who lived locally during that time.

“It’s also about a community coming here to share our lovely gardens, this space and enjoying everyone’s company.

“For example two ladies who are here today went to school together eight years ago and I was moved to tears to see them greeting each other after so many years.

“They went to school with Amy Treeby who is featured in the exhibition.

“Amy sadly died in 2019 but her relatives are here today.

“She packed her personal belongings on the night of the evacuation and they are now on display.

“Her suitcase is a time capsule.”