MAUREEN and ANDREW PITTS-HANNAFORD, School Court, Victoria Road, Dart­mouth, write: Sometime during Saturday, April 25, we realised that the Ukip election board, that was erected in our garden, had been stolen. We searched the area high and low, thinking perhaps it was simply someone messing around – but the board was nowhere to be found. On reflection, it is almost obvious that the theft was premeditated, as the thief would have had to be carrying a knife, scissors or snips etc with them to cut through the cable ties. Then they would have had to have pulled the board and post out of the ground and lifted it over 5ft high railings. Not only did they take the board, but even the cut cable ties were taken away too – less evidence perhaps? On speaking with the Ukip membership co-ordinators, I was horrified to learn that this was no shock to them. ? It would seem there have been some underhand and dirty dealings going on. Virtually every Ukip board erected in our beautiful, peaceful area, has been smashed or stolen – from Churchstow through to Dartmouth. One large board in Stoken­ham was vandalised three times. Some of the large boards that have been vandalised would have needed a ladder to reach. I think it should be pointed out that it is an illegal act to tamper with any political campaign boards. Proof of this could result in criminal charges, court appearances and large fines. I feel sure that these underhand acts of theft and vandalism are at the hands of rival party supporters – and that thought fills me with dread. These parties are campaigning to represent the general public in government. Today's public are mistrustful of government and politicians already. If other political parties and their supporters think it's acceptable to be so spiteful and underhand by stealing and vandalising opposing parties' campaign boards, what else are they capable of? It appears only Ukip boards are being vandalised and stolen in our area. This only made us feel stronger that we have found and chosen the party with the correct morals and ethics. To the individuals who are responsible for the vandalism and theft – shame on you! You are not doing yourselves or your chosen party any favours by showing the voting public – who, by now, are royally fed up with old politics – your true colours: petty, spiteful acts of bullying, vandalism and theft. Hasn't our once Great Britain already had a lifetime of this? I would like to end by saying we are not your traditional political people. Never before have we had a campaign board erected and never have we been involved with any party. We simply felt at this time, that we wanted to add our voices to that of the many others who are totally dismayed at how we British citizens have been and, still are, being treated.