A Dartmoor prison break, organised by Dartmoor Search & Rescue Team Plymouth, will take place on May 20th and May 21st 2023.

This major event, set up by the charity, is an endurance race, and entrants have to determine their own route from HMP Dartmoor with the aim to achieve the furthest distance from the prison in a given time.

This year, wardens will also be included in the race, though beating them is not compulsory, but an extra challenge.

Organisers said: “We are lucky enough to be able to use the fantastic prison setting for your escape with a unique start planned. It’s also a perfect place for your friends and family to see you off and take some fantastic pictures of your escape.”

All funds raised from the event will go to Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Plymouth, a local charity volunteer mountain rescue team, which will help them to ensure their objective of 24/7 safety for all members of the public in Dartmoor, Plymouth and surrounding areas is met.

There are 3 categories in the race, with a 6 hour ‘Absconder’, a 12 hour ‘Delinquent’ and 24 hour ‘Felon’ cut off. Individuals finding their own route choices is part of the event, but there are certain restrictions such as only using public rights of way, and escapees are restricted from entering any bird nesting areas.

All escapees will be monitored for the full duration of the event by a GPS tracker device and associated software for the Race Director. This system allows continuous participant tracking and the facility for participants to operate an ‘SOS’ button.

Organisers of the event added: “Although this fantastic event attracts ultra-race runners from across the UK, we strongly encourage anybody to take part as a personal challenge. Maybe you can run (or walk very quickly) home to Plymouth, Bodmin in Cornwall or Exeter, or handcuff yourself to your best friend and make good your escape in unison! Previous escapees have made it as far as Lizard peninsular in Cornwall, even Somerset - some even made it as far as their favourite local in Plymouth! This is your race at your pace! We have some brilliant escape stories from the past events.”

“Medals will be given to all escapees. As this is an event to raise funds for Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Plymouth… there will be no main prizes offered. We pride the event on catering for everybody and in past years this ethos has seen a very positive and encouraging feel to the event, producing some great camaraderie in escape attempts!”

Minimum age for participants is 18 years, and people can enter as an individual or In groups.

The organisers say: “ we encourage groups to escape together and enjoy the experience or go it alone, the choice is yours!”

The price of the event is £39.00 for a 6 hour Absconder, £49.00 for a 12 hour Delinquent, and £59.00 for a 24 hour Felon.

Friends and family can monitor the progress of individual participants at: https://track.trail.live/event/dartmoor-prison-break

To find out more, visit: www.dartmoorprisonbreak.com