As former residents of Dartmouth and purchasers of your newspaper every week, we are following the arguments over the closure of Dartmouth and Kingswear Hospital, which we have had occasion to use in the past and visited a friend of ours, who spent occasions convalescing in the hospital and whom we visited at her life’s end there.

It always struck us as being the prefect place to convalesce to spend one’s last days, being in such a beautiful location overlooking the river.

It seems to us utterly nonsensical to close this hospital and deny the inhabitants of Dart­mouth and the area medical facilities. Nobody, as far as we have read, has explained why it is not the obvious solution to refurbish it, at much less expense, than the alternative suggestion of building a health and well-being centre at enormous cost, and the time that would take.

The people of Dartmouth need their hospital to return to active use. In the time all this argument has been taking place, the hospital could have been completely revamped and brought back into use.

The hospital bureaucrats are completely blinkered when it comes to common sense, as they will find out one day.

Mr and Mrs FA Street

Bere Alston, Yelverton